How To Retro Editorial Guidelines

We want our readers to fully trust that our information is correct, clear, and based on first-hand experience. We think being open and honest helps build this trust and rapport with our audience. If we make a mistake, we’ll be the first to put our hands up and do our best to correct things promptly.

Whilst retro gaming is simply a hobby to many, we understand how frustrating it can be to read facts and guides that are simply untrue or inaccurate. Our aim is to ensure that everything we publish has been tested and developed firsthand by somebody who simply loves retro gaming too.


We always look to check facts from multiple sources before we publish anything. Whether it is checking our guides for accuracy or fact-checking details on breaking news stories.

We want as much as the reader to be engaged by our content, so we aim to use reliable sources such as reliable sources, such as software developers, and other well-known publications and retro gaming community platforms, as well as from our own audience when they engage with us.

Editorial Independence

Being Independent, when we talk about products, we tell our readers how and why we picked them in a simple way. We look at many features of a product to find what’s best for our users based on our own experience, not based on commercial arrangements.

Balanced Information

Whilst we may not see eye to eye over whether the ZX Spectrum or Commodore 64 is the better machine, we take ourselves seriously enough to act with integrity and offer a balanced view in our content, with the intention of it being useful and enjoyable to the reader.

Quick to Make Changes

Even though we check everything, sometimes things change, especially in the world of retro gaming and emulation.

If you find out something needs fixing, please feel free to reach out to us via our contact page.